Sunday, March 9, 2014

Sore throat

I have a cold. I never get sick, so I guess "I'm due" or that's what I'm told. Spring break and I'm sick. That sucks so bad. But with so many of my family members having serious health issues, I feel bad to even mention it. My great grandmother broke her hip a few days ago and is in the hospital. She had surgery. My mom had the same injury and surgery over the holidays. My grandmothers husband had emergency bypass surgery that saved his life a couple days ago. The doctors told her it was a miracle he was still a live and he would have been dead for sure within a few hours. 
I started working out with my friend. We run and walk in intervals. She said it's the fastest way to loose weight. We did the first session Friday and our second is tomorrow. I'm excited to see us both transform our bodies. We could both use some happiness.
Eh, feeling icky so I'll get off here. Just wanted to vent. If you come across this and are intrigued, feel free to comment :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Must sleep

My poor 87 year old great grandmother has broken her hip, pretty bad I guess. She lives in another state and I can't even go see her cause I have no money. I can't sleep. It's five am and I need to be up by 7:30 no later than 9 to make to to class on time. (730 because I have to go to the photo lab for my other class but have pretty much decided it probably won't happen on account I cannot function on only two hours of sleep) my throat was bothering me as I lay there trying to fall asleep. Now that I'm somewhat relaxed, I burst out in hives. Inflamed white welts surrounded by redness and covered with itchiness. I hate hate hate hate hate them. It will be an entire year I've had this problem in May, which isn't too far. Right now I have the, in my toes and on my side :( wish me luck world. I'm not feeling great :(

Monday, March 3, 2014

Today is just not going my way :(

Today blows! I ordered my photo paper for class last Friday and the cashier hold me it would arrive at one pm today. That was the only reason I ordered it, my class is at three and that barely hives me enough time to go  to the school and prong my pictures for class before the wicked bitch of a teacher gets there. Well, the paper wasn't there when I arrived to go pick it up. I told the cashier, which was the same one who ordered it or me on Friday, that I would have never ordered it if I knew it wouldn't be here on time for me. Of course she apologized but the fact is it's not there. I had to buy some other paper so I have some for the mean time. I bought matte paper. We gave me fifty percent off. It was only $7 for 50 sheets which is great price but not the right type of paper. So..... I come to school an hour an a half early to print and there is a full class in there and student on the print computer. So, I might not even be able to print before the bitch arrives. Grrrrrrr.... 
On top of all this shit not going my way, I'm not even looking forward to the class. This teacher is so rude and disrespectful. She raised her voice to me and yelled, "what are you doing?! There is no more printing today!!" Not allowing me to print. Then by the end of the class she said only the three people that did print get full credit now it's points off. Like wtf, I was about to print and it would be full credit. This makes me want to drop it. I already checked with my financial aid people and they said I would be okay if I did. I'm trying to stick it out because I want to learn more and I love photography but this teacher just stresses me out and I don't need extra stress. I should just be focusing on Anotomyand Physiology 2.

Staples blows. So does my teacher.

End rant